Librams for the Purpose of DeePeeEss.
ADDED 28.09.2022
ADDED 28.09.2022
Mutterings of Suicidal Zebra at 4:45 pm 10 comments
Ghostcrawler posted a little while ago to say that the hotfix has been implemented. I understand that the US realms have been down for some time so it may not be possible to test it just yet, but report your feedback in the same thread.
Just a quickie.
Following some sterling work by testers in this thread it seems that the cause of the Judgement bug (a Judgement failure - mana cost and cooldown triggered but no damage, debuff or 'miss' notification) was narrowed down. It was previously thought that a non-crit Judgement following a critical Judgement was causing the problem, but the following reproducible method was generated which indicated another cause:
I believe I have pinpointed the issue!
I was correct in my thinking that when a debuff wears off while judgement is up it will become bugged out. This happens when ANY debuff from ANYONE wears off when you have a judgement on the target.
Here is what I think is happening:
Target has X debuffs on it
You use Judgement of Wisdom, which is now debuff position [X+1]
Target loses 1 debuff, moving Judgement of Wisdom to position X
You use Judgement of Wisdom, which tries to refresh buff [X+1]
Debuff [X+1] is not Judgement of Wisdom, Judgement of Wisdom fails
It seems like its a simple pointer error. Hope that helps!
I failed to mention that this in fact DOES include other players debuffs. Like a warlocks haunt could fall off of the boss and suddenly all the judgements cant be refreshed. I hope this gets fixed soon!
Also, This has NOTHING to do with if judgement crits or not. I've tried having a target lose 2 debuffs and then use HoJ then Judgement of Command, and it still failed.
(Source - Ralcour of Maelstrom US)
Okay, we think we have been able to isolate this bug and put in a fix that prevents Judgements from failing any longer. Assuming a little more testing supports this conclusion we plan on hotfixing this.
Sorry you had to endure it for so long. :(
Mutterings of Suicidal Zebra at 12:29 am 2 comments
Update 3: Item updates on the latest PTR build.
* Glyph of Flash of Light - Your Flash of Light has an additional 5% critical strike chance. (Old - Your Flash of Light heals for 50% less initially, but also heals for 140% of its inital effect over 12 sec.)
* Glyph of Holy Light - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 20 yards of the initial target. (Up from 10 Yards)
* Glyph of Hammer of Wrath - Reduces the cost of Hammer of Wrath by 100%. (Old - Increases the range on Hammer of Wrath by 5 yards.)
* Libram of Reciprocation now gives Your Judgement of Command spell a chance to grant 173 critical strike rating for 10 sec. (Old - Haste Rating)
Paladin Notes:
* Divine Protection The penalty has been removed.
* Divine Shield The penalty has been changed so that all damage done is reduced by 50% in place of an attack speed penalty.
* Hand of Protection now Cannot be targeted on players who have used Avenging Wrath within the last 30 sec sec.
* Avenging Wrath now Cannot be used within 30 sec sec. of being the target of Divine Shield, Divine Protection, or Hand of Protection.
* Hand of Reckoning(NEW): Available on trainers at level 16. It’s a 30 yard range taunt that causes Holy damage.
* Judgement of Wisdom now give each attack a chance to restore 2% of the attacker's base mana. (Old - 1% of the attacker's maximum mana)
* Judgement of Light now also procs from ranged attacks.
* Seal of Blood now deals 27% of normal weapon damage. (up from 22%)
* Seal of the Martyr now deals 27% of normal weapon damage. (up from 22%)
The Seal of Blood/Martyr changes are both tooltip clarifications. The 22% value never made it to Live; it has been 27% since 3.0.1 hit the servers.
* Seal of Command now Gives the Paladin a chance to deal {0.45*Min Weap Damage+0.45*0.23*SpellPower} to {0.45*Max Weap Damage+0.45*0.23*SpellPower} additional Holy damage. (Old - Didn't scale with Spell Power)
*Vengeance now stacks up to 5 times. (Up from 3)[I don't normally make retroactive changes to these sorts of posts, but as this is such a big change I guess it's warranted. Vengeance, as of PTR build 9464, once again only sstacks 3 times.]
There is some doubt over whether the SoC change is tooltip or a real change. Smart money is on it being a tooltip change. As the Vengeance change is undocumented you should be aware that it may be 'un-buffed' at any time. Hopefully this won't be the case, but it is a PTR after all.
* Judgements of the Pure now Increases the damage done by your Seal and Judgement spells by 5/10/15/20/25%, and your Judgement spells increase your casting and melee haste by 3/6/9/12/15% for 1 min.
* Sacred Duty no longer reduces the attack speed penalty on Divine Shield and Divine Protection. Rank 2 now increases total stamina by 8%. (Up from 6%)
* Glyph of Holy Light now affects friendly targets in a radius of1020 yards (previously 5 yards, see top).
Mutterings of Suicidal Zebra at 1:43 pm 5 comments
In random real-life news, my freezer just died after being on what appears, in retrospect, to have been its last legs for the past week. According to the engineer getting replacement parts for one 10 years old would cost far more than a totally new one, which in today's increasingly disposable society I can readily believe.
It's not the ideal time, but it could be worse. It could have been during mid-summer, or a couple of weeks from now, but it's going to be around 3-4 days before anything starts to go off and there's plenty of time before the pre-Christmas madness.
So, why is this topical for a WoW-Blog? Well, it's my WoW-Blog for a start, but it also means that I'll probably have to continue to defer my purchase of Wrath for a bit. Because I'll be very much out of the loop with regards to WoW and my own experiences becoming continually less relevant I'm considering stopping blogging, for a little while at least.
I've got one more post on Libram's and Meta Gems due at some point this weekend, but don't be too surprised if you don't see much in this space after that ;).
Anyway, this post if a bit of a downer, so here is a cool astronomy link:
Smiley Face in the Sky.
Mutterings of Suicidal Zebra at 12:40 pm 2 comments
Like: Haste provided by a group buff. Free for everyone... who cares if someone gets more benefit than someone else?
Example: Swift Retribution.
Don't Like: Haste on Tier Gear. Autoattack is a significantly lower proportion of DPS with Wrath mechanics than at any time during TBC and so Haste is awful.
Example: Paladin Tier 7-10 and 7-25.
Haste - Just Say NO!
Mutterings of Suicidal Zebra at 7:17 pm 8 comments
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